79 Voices for Financial Literacy

Pedro Cassiano Santos, member of the Board of Directors of the Vasco Vieira de Almeida Foundation, contributed to the publication ‘79 voices for Financial Literacy - For better and greater independence throughout life’, published by Oficina do Livro and ISCTE Executive Education.
This publication brings together a set of opinions and analysis from different areas and Portuguese personalities, with the aim of promoting financial literacy and consequently contributing to an improved quality of life, social inclusion and economic development.
In addition to the chapter signed by Pedro Cassiano Santos, the book also includes reflections by Fernando Teixeira dos Santos and Maria Luís Albuquerque, former finance ministers, Mário Centeno, governor of the Bank of Portugal, Ana Carvalho, CEO of Banco Português de Fomento, João Pedro Oliveira e Costa, CEO of BPI, Miguel Maya, CEO of Millennium BCP, Isabel Ucha, chairman of the Board of Directors of Euronext Lisbon, Rogério Campos Henriques, CEO of Fidelidade, among others.