
Maputo Rugby Club

08 May, 2019

The Vasco Vieira de Almeida Foundation supports, through the VdA Legal Partners network, the Maputo Rugby Club, an amateur rugby club established in 2012 with the mission of training and preparing youngsters, both physically and intellectually, based on the values informing this sport – namely, integrity, respect, solidarity, passion and discipline. More than teaching rugby, the Maputo Rugby Club aims to convey values and create true sportsmen.

New rugby kits were purchased for the Mafalala team using part of the grant provided by the VVA Foundation. These were distributed to the players, who received them with great enthusiasm, at an event held in April and attended by our local partner, Guilherme Daniel, helping to reinforce the team's identity.

The Mafalala team has successfully placed several players in the Senior and Under-18 national teams, which participate in international competitions with teams from other countries, such as South Africa and Malawi. In the second half of the year, the Maputo Rugby Club organises the “Neighbourhoods Tour” – a tournament day in Maputo’s neighbourhoods aimed at increasing the sport’s visibility and that of the players in their respective neighbourhoods.

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